Going back in time

Emily Bronte
The story of Wuthering Heights is told through flashbacks recorded in diary entries, and events are often out of order.  The novel still gives enough information to figure out the approximate order of events.  I have listed the order of events that I found on sparknotes.com.  I also posted a timeline that I created with most of the important events.  A "*” before a date indicates that it in not an exact date, but it is a close estimation.

1500  -  The stone above the front door of Wuthering Heights, bearing the name of Hareton Earnshaw, is inscribed, possibly to mark the completion of                        the house.
1758  -  Nelly is born.
*1761  -  Heathcliff and Catherine are born.
*1767  -  Mr. Earnshaw brings Heathcliff to live at Wuthering Heights.
1774  -  Mr. Earnshaw sends Hindley away to college.
1777  -  Mr. Earnshaw dies; Hindley and Frances take possession of Wuthering Heights; Catherine first visits Thrushcross Grange around Christmastime.
1778  -  Hareton is born in June; Frances dies; Hindley begins his slide into alcoholism.
1780  -  Catherine becomes engaged to Edgar Linton; Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights.
1783  -  Catherine and Edgar are married; Heathcliff arrives at Thrushcross Grange in September. 1784  -  Heathcliff and Isabella elope in the early part of the year; Catherine becomes ill with brain fever; young Catherine is born late in the year; Catherine dies.
1785  -  Early in the year, Isabella flees Wuthering Heights and settles in London; Linton is born.
*1785  -  Hindley dies; Heathcliff inherits Wuthering Heights.
*1797  -  Young Catherine meets Hareton and visits Wuthering Heights for the first time; Linton comes from London after Isabella dies (in late 1797 or early 1798).
1800  -  Young Catherine stages her romance with Linton in the winter.
1801  -  Early in the year, young Catherine is imprisoned by Heathcliff and forced to marry Linton; Edgar Linton dies; Linton dies; Heathcliff assumes control of Thrushcross Grange. Late in the year, Lockwood rents the Grange from Heathcliff and begins his tenancy. In a winter storm, Lockwood takes ill and begins conversing with Nelly Dean.
1801–1802  -  During the winter, Nelly narrates her story for Lockwood.
1802  -  In spring, Lockwood returns to London; Catherine and Hareton fall in love; Heathcliff dies; Lockwood returns in September and hears the end of the story from Nelly.
1803  -  On New Year’s Day, young Catherine and Hareton plan to be married.

Timeline By: Hannah Cheng